magbo system

Support for Life in A Day Application from National Cancer Institute

MEI has created the Life In A Day (LiaD) application in collaboration with the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences at the US National Cancer Institute. LiaD allows researchers to capture how people allocate their time across a customizable set of activities. LiaD is integrated tightly with the PiLR Health cloud system that provides sophisticated content creation and participant management facilities. Activity sets for LiaD can be loaded easily into PiLR Health by importing a file which supports existing activity collections such as the Compendium of Physical Health or occupation-specific sets. Researchers may also define and refine their own sets of activities.

LiaD is a mobile app for Android and iOS that allows participants to select one or more activities from the set selected by a researcher. Follow-up assessments are triggered when each activity is completed. A daily journal lets participants review and edit activities to ensure the record is complete.

Data collected by LiaD are uploaded in real time to the PiLR Health study management platform. PiLR also is the tool where researchers upload activity collections and hosts the content creation tools where custom assessments/surveys are created. PiLR Health further provides the research team a robust set of tools to monitor compliance, and view and processing data.

LiaD is available for demo in the Android and Apple stores for no charge. PiLR Health is available to research teams through an SaaS license.

New Release Highlights

Just pushed new releases for PiLR EMA and PiLR Health. Highlighted features are:

  • Multi-Language support for PiLR EMA and for the content builder functions for PiLR Health. It is now possible to create assessments in languages other than English. If the participant has set a language preference other than English, and the content is rendered in that language, the phone will use the participants preferred language for the assessment content.
  • Support in PiLR Health for assigning participants to devices in groups. With the other group functions it is now possible for all participant configuration functions to be done in groups.
  • Improvements to the geo-fencing algorithms in PiLR EMA. We implemented a custom library for the Android environment to get the desired level of reliability.
  • Improvements in the date range and numeric filtering features of the Dataviewer.
  • Made it possible for teams to change the logo on the mobile app splash page and the text on the header line.